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A pretty awesome box full of synthy stuff!

It really is only 269.99 €/$
Who said modular had to be expensive?….



MSRP $399.99 USD - Estimated street price $269.99 USD

The NiftyBUNDLE comes with a whole mess of synthy fun. Case, modules, power, MIDI to CV, and enough patch cables to get into trouble are all included.  We'd argue you would be hard pressed to find a more fun bundle of synthy crap for any amount of $ much less $269.99..... After all what's a party without a bunch of wood, wires, and circuit boards?

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It’s nifty af!
— Ben
NiftyBUNDLE no bkgrnd.png

It all started with a case

The NiftyBUNDLE comes with Cre8audio's rugged metal and wood 84 HP NiftyCASE which comes complete with ample power, MIDI to CV, and more....


Chipz = 2voicez, filterz & extra bitz 

We used to be more like post-apocalyptic raiders rummaging through the remains of wrecked civilization to find choice nuggets of synthy goodness to harvest from old video game consoles and computers. Later we got smart and emulated the heck out of ‘em. Chipz is just that, 2 crazy oscillators, LFOs, and a mondo-bag full of love all in one tiny module.

Learn more about Chipz or read the poem below:

Gene, Gene, made a machine. Joe, Joe, made it go. Frank, Frank, turned the crank. Art, Art, let a fart and blew the whole damned thing apart.

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Touch, sequence, Cellz. Like a stick of butter, but healthier. East past the dessert. Onions are tasty. it does neat things.

Try some bananas. They are ripe. Cheap thrills are made from this.


Additional Junk

Don’t you just hate it when you buy stuff and it’s missing some crap that you need to get going? It’s a sick joke us manufacturers like to play on our unwitting customers. We are in no way against the idea of messing with you like that. That said, we’re not going to do it here. We’ve tossed our not so famous Box ‘O’ Cables (2x 45cm, 2x 35cm, 2x 20cm cables) and a couple of our funky Cre8audio “8” panel blanks.

Included in the NiftyBUNDLE:

* Please note that the right and left sides of NiftyCASE fit very flush. It is recommended to favor a module with a pcb 1mm or more narrower than it’s front panel for use on the left and right sides of the case (this amount or more of tolerance is fairly common on many modules). See example
